Whats on?
Guess who’s coming for coffee?
Christmas Service Times
St Thomas’ turns 100!
Study Groups
Byron Bay: Lenten Study date for 2023 to be advised
Guess whos coming for coffee
Byron Bay: ‘Guess Who’s Coming for Coffee?’ is a monthly get together with an invited guest. (currently in recess)
More Than a Meal
In early 2015 it was identified that there was a need in our community for people to access a wholesome cooked meal. Initially it was to be a meal prepared in partnership with the Anglican Parish of Mullumbimby and the Mullumbimby & District Neighbourhood Centre,...
Courthouse Outreach Ministry
Courthouse Outreach Ministry is a simple but valuable connection point in our community. Teams of 2 people once a month provide morning tea during Court sessions to people waiting for court appearances. This outreach is in recess due to COVID.
Food Pantry
Food Pantry provides a bag of basic groceries to people in need. They are able to come to the Parish Office and request assistance. Pantry foods are donated by parishioners or purchased by the Parish. Occasionally our quarterly Mission supports this outreach. We...
Tent Ministry
We have a stock of small 2 man dome tents which are available to those in need of emergency short term shelter. These tents are distributed in conjunction with the Neighbourhood Centre. A recipient must first be assessed by a Community Support worker at the...